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HT9025 Solar PV Clampmeter 1500V DC

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AC/DC Current Clamp With Data Logging Function

HT9025 has been designed to measure AC/DC current up to 1000A, DC voltage up to 1500V and AC voltage up to 1000V in TRMS reaching CAT IV 600V and CAT III 1000V in compliance with safety standard IEC/ EN61010-1.

The clamp is provided with a display with 6000 measuring spots with backlight and bargraph to allow for a simple reading even in poorly lit environments. HT9025 also measures Resistance, Frequency, Capacity and Temperature with K-type probe. 

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The TIS 859 I absolutely love it, the removable leads feature is a winner and the vibration feature on voltage is a game changer also.
Mark Allison
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