01274 752407 A comprehensive range of quality electrical testing equipment

What is a PAT tester?

A PAT Tester is an electrical testing instrument used to perform the routine inspection of some types of electrical appliance in order to check that they are safe to use. PAT stands for Portable Appliance Testing.


What does PAT Testing involve?what is a pat tester?

Usually you would carry out a visual inspection of the portable appliance – checking the plug, cable, appliance and mains socket - and then carry out a series of tests on the appliance using the PAT Tester. These would normally be an earth continuity test, a lead polarity test and an insulation resistance check. Some PAT testers, such as the TIS 700 supplied by Test Instrument Solutions, also enables the user to carry out a true leakage test.

For each appliance you must carry out these safety tests and record the results. Whether the appliance passes or fails the tests, it must be identified with a pass/fail sticker to indicate this status complete with the date and test details. If an item has failed a test then it must be isolated from use and corrective action to repair it initiated. You should also create separate records of the tests carried out against a set inventory of appliances. This can be done separately but the TIS 700 allows you to store these results on the unit and download them to a laptop.


What items should be PAT tested?

There is no set definition as to what should be included in PAT testing, but the standard interpretation is “any appliance that has a plug attached and is plugged into a mains wall socket”. Any other electrical item or equipment is covered by other types of electrical safety testing. However, the name ‘portable appliance’ is slightly misleading, because not all items which require testing are generally considered to be portable or mobile. The items which should be considered for PAT testing are categorised as: fixed appliances, stationary appliances, IT appliances, moveable appliances, portable appliances, cables and chargers and hand-held appliances.


Is PAT testing a legal requirement?

No it isn’t, but a business must maintain electrical equipment in a safe condition and it has a legal duty to ensure the safety of its employees and the public, and PAT testing is the most effective way of doing that. So PAT testing is the standard way of meeting these obligations and a business or employer could face severe penalties if these obligations are not met.


How often do I need to PAT test my appliances?

Again, there is no set frequency or specific rules about how often appliances should be tested, but there is guidance which asks you to consider the appropriate risk of each item. This should be considered against criteria such as:

  • The risk of the environment the appliance is used and stored in
  • The electrical class of the appliance – insulation/protection and high or low voltage etc
  • The category of appliance
  • Manufacturer recommendations
  • Frequency of use
  • The age and history of the appliance

The higher risk the appliance has based on this criteria above, the more often it should be tested. This could be every three months, every six months or once per year depending on the risk. There are also some very low risk items which may only require a visual inspection and no PAT testing at all.


Who should carry out PAT testing?

PAT testing should be carried out by a nominated ‘competent person’. This person can be identified by the employer but should be someone with:

  • Electrical knowledge and experience
  • Knowledge of using the PAT testing equipment
  • Understanding of the hazards and risks of the working environment


What does a PAT tester look like?pat testing

PAT testers can vary in size and capabilities and most suppliers will supply a range of PAT testers to cover all needs. The PAT tester is usually a small, flat instrument which can be sat on a worktop or bench or on the floor. It is robust and protected by casing and has a plug socket in which you can connect the appliance to be tested.

The TIS 700 is battery-operated or can be plugged into the mains. It can carry out all the required tests and has a large digital display screen on which to navigate menus to carry out the tests and read and store the results. With the TIS 700 you can also store the results on an SD card and then remove the SD card to download the results on to a laptop. A QWERTY keyboard enables the user to input the results and build an inventory of items with locations, although some standard items are pre-set in the memory. Once all results are inputted, the user can also produce pass/fail certificates for each item.


PAT tester video demonstration

Below is a product demonstaton on the TIS 700 PAT tester product:

Please note that this section is for information purposes only.  Anyone using equipment referred to in this section must be suitably qualified and/or experienced within the respective field.  If in doubt before use, please consult a qualified electrician or engineer & thoroughly read all instruction booklets.

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