Whether you are working in a commercial, industrial or domestic setting, the work of an electrician is usually fast-paced and repetitive, with a lot of testing to be done as quickly as possible. But of course, with electrical testing the main factor is safety. Although you might be up against it time-wise, you cannot afford to compromise on safety, so if you are testing lots of circuits with very little time, you need the most effective and reliable tester and one which enables you to confirm the safety of circuits as quickly as possible.
This is essentially what a multi-function tester does, and hence it is probably the most important tool in an electrician’s kit bag, and one that they will very quickly learn they can’t live without.
What is a multi-function tester?
A multi-function tester is used to test low voltage circuits in a variety of applications, and its name comes from the fact that it allows the user to carry out many different tests with the same instrument. The idea of the multi-function tester is to make installation testing much more efficient and much safer. There are a wide range of procedures and parameters which can be tested using a multi-function tester, such as whether fixed wiring has been properly installed, and this instrument enables you to confirm that the required safety standards and regulations have been met.
When assessing what instruments to buy, safety and performance are the most important factors, and in this sense, you should not simply go for the cheapest, as the better tolerances and accuracy levels are often worth investing in. And that still means you are getting value for money.
The range of multi-function testers supplied by Test Instrument Solutions provide all the critical features, such as auto RCD tests, phase rotation, 2-wire loop tests, non-trip loop testing, continuity tests, insulation resistance tests and earth fault loop impedance. This means an electrical tester can use a TIS product knowing they have access to the key tests required for fixed wiring and installation testing. And all with the standards of reliability and accuracy that you need.
Accurate and reliable multi-function testers
Accuracy becomes important when you also need the tester to be efficient. So a user can work with the TIS MFT-Pro, for example, and know that they can get quick, reliable results which are displayed on an easy-to-read LCD display and stored internally, and then they can swiftly move on to the next test. When you maybe have 10 or 20 similar circuits to test in a short length of time, these standards of accuracy and reliability are critical. The MFT-Pro comes with TRMS (True RMS = root mean square) which offers a high level of accuracy, not seen in some other models.

The TIS MFT-Pro is an award-winning multi-function tester, and it can also be supplied as a combined unit to become the MFTPRO-EV for testing the safety of electric vehicle chargers. The TIS Checkbox is another multi-function tester which is used in the instrument calibration process.
With a multi-function tester, the user needs a range of essential features, and they need an instrument they know they can rely on in different environments, when the going gets tough and results are needed quickly. The multi-function testers supplied by TIS offer that accuracy and reliability and have the key practical features to make this process painless, efficient and effective. That is why the multi-function tester is known as the electrician’s best friend, and why TIS is the place to come for your electrical testing needs.