The electric vehicle (EV) market is one of the most rapidly developing industries in the world, of course because of the global mission to reduce vehicle emissions, but on a more local level, because impending legislation in the UK will prevent the manufacture of new petrol and diesel vehicles from 2030.
EVSE stands for Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment, and can be roughly translated as EV charging stations or EV charging points. EVSE is critical to the practical use of EVs, because it ensures the safe and simple ability to charge an EV with minimal interaction required. Essentially, EVSE is acting as a two-way communication between the charger and the car, as it transfers energy between the utility source and the vehicle.
What does EVSE do?
Although EVSE can be classed as the charging point, it can include leads, charging equipment, plugs, connectors and safety protection. This combines to:
- Maintain the correct, regulated charging current based on the maximum output the charger can provide and the maximum current the vehicle can receive.
- Provide a safety lockout, to prevent charge flowing when the charger is not connected to the vehicle.
- Detect hardware faults and disconnect power to prevent battery damage or fire.
- Provides easy to follow indicator lights.
- Ensures compliance with applicable electrical standards.
A few years ago the early models of EVs could be charged anywhere a suitable plug could be found to suit the vehicle, but now, as a result of new standards and rapidly developing technology, EVSE has become more sophisticated. This makes sense as EVs become more widespread and the accompanying infrastructure needs to be more robust and compatible with a wider range of vehicles. Almost every major vehicle manufacturer now has a range of EVs, so EVSE is likely to become more available and more user-friendly.
EVSE supplies with TIS
Another major use of EVSE is to maintain the charger in good working order, and TIS has also developed a range of testing equipment to assist with this. The TIS MFTPRO is a professional multifunction tester with EVSE testing capabilities. It can fully test EVSE charging stations, and can be used in conjunction with the TIS EV-TEST100, to carry out all the expected functions of a multifunction tester, including Loop, RCD and insulation tests.
The MFT-Pro and EV-TEST100 can be purchased as separate instruments, but also as a combined unit to provide full EVSE testing capability. The MFT-PRO-EV is a professional unit and comes supplied with the connections and leads that you need.
Undoubtedly this is just the beginning for EVSE, and we should see testing facilities develop to become more widespread and sophisticated as the EV market expands, but certainly the TIS test equipment will always be critical to the success of this expansion, so call TIS today and let us supply you with the right equipment for your testing needs.