01274 752407 A comprehensive range of quality electrical testing equipment

Why The EVSE Testing Kit Is Great Value For Money

We are seeing more and more electric vehicle (EV) charging points in our neighbourhoods in car parks, supermarkets, commercial premises and on garage forecourts. This is because EV technology is developing rapidly, and as a result TIS have adapted to this need by developing a product that ensures these charging points remain practical and efficient.EVSE Testing

Our product the EV-TEST100 tests the safety, performance and reliability of EV charging points in order to ensure the EV market continues to develop, which is becoming increasingly important. We have also designed this EV test adaptor to perform alongside our award-winning multi-function tester the MFT-Pro. This ensures your results will be accurate and reliable and that you have the assurance of working with tried and trusted instruments. And you can simplify your inventory and make important cost savings by purchasing a combined unit carrying the reference identification TIS MFTPRO-EV.

The TIS EV-TEST100 is like having an on board electric vehicle with you! It can simulate a vehicle in various states such as:

* Vehicle plugged in not asking for a charge with no fault condition allowing Loop & RCD tests to be performed.

* Vehicle plugged in asking for a charge with an Earth fault condition, confirming power from the EVSE will be disconnected.

* Vehicle plugged in asking for a charge with an electrical fault condition, confirming power from the EVSE will be disconnected.

Easy set-up of the MFTPRO-EV

If you purchase a combined unit, the MFT-PRO will have the EV test adaptor software pre-installed, and this then makes it easy to link the two units with a two-way optical data link cable. The full auto sequence of testing appears on the third screen of the MFT-Pro front display screen.

User-friendly screens show you where to put test leads and if your settings are correct, and the testing sequence can be set-up as single phase or three phase, plus you can choose ventilated or non-ventilated charging pods and choose a current rating from 13A to 63A.

The testing sequence is then continuity test, an insulation test, checking the right charge is being sent to the vehicle before you engage it and then you can also carry out a loop & impedance test and an RCD test. The final test is to simulate an earth fault and an electrical fault to ensure that no charge is being delivered in those scenarios.

Convenience, accuracy and reliability  

As we already know, the MFT-PRO displays and saves these results very clearly. And because the MFTPRO-EV comes with a handy hard carry case and the optical lead for your EV adaptor, it becomes a lightweight and portable instrument combination that is easy to set-up and carry out your testing programme.

Investing in the TIS MFTPRO-EV is an affordable and easy-to-use way to play your part in developing the important EV market in the UK, and this is another TIS product which offers great value, and certainly makes more sense than investing in the two units separately. 

When you buy the two units together as the TIS MFTPRO-EV, you are speeding up and simplifying the EV testing process, and giving yourself a complete testing sequence with just one touch of the button. So make practical use of the award-winning TIS MFT-PRO and combine it with the new EV test adaptor to add convenience to the accuracy and reliability you already enjoy.

It is important that your MFT is capable of testing DC sensitive RCDs, as a pure DC fault condition can cause a 30mA RCD not to trip. The TIS MFTPRO is one of only a few instruments which will allow accurate testing of 6mA DC trips incorporated in most EVSEs.

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